- About
- Mission, values and drivers
- Dixons Academies Trust
- Our academy day
- Uniform
- All-through curriculum
- Family handbook
- Early years foundation stage curriculum
- School meals
- Family support
- Leadership
- Assessment
- Remote learning
- Careers education
- Performance tables
- Governance
- Ofsted
- Policies and documents
- My Child at School
- Improvement planning
- The Lord Kalms Bursary
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- Homework
- Exam Information
Homework and deadlines form one of the six essential learning habits at Dixons Trinity Chapeltown. Students in the secondary phase receive weekly homework tailored to their year group. Research demonstrates that homework can significantly enhance students' academic progress while simultaneously developing crucial organisational skills that prepare them for meeting future deadlines.
At Dixons Trinity Chapeltown, homework is distributed both online and in print, adapting to the specific requirements of each subject. The homework timetables for the current cycle are readily accessible on this page.
Our digital learning platforms include Carousel, Sparx (for Mathematics), Century Learner (for English), and Everlearner (for upper peak PE). These online platforms are designed to enhance learning through retrieval practice, facilitating more effective knowledge embedding in students' long-term memory. This approach aligns with our curriculum delivery and teaching methods. The platforms enable teachers to create and distribute interactive quizzes that enable students to self-assess and develop independent learning habits.
A detailed explanation of Carousel's functionality is available through this introductory video; Introduction video
For any homework-related support, parents are encouraged to contact their child's Head of Year. We provide a dedicated homework club every evening after school, located in the iBase, operating until 16:30. Attendance is open to all students.