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Dixons Trinity Chapeltown

Year 11 Parent's Evening is on Thursday 3 April 2025 - Please ensure you have booked a time slot on MCAS

House system

The House system helps to instil a desire to join in, have fun and make a contribution to Team Trinity. The house system provides students with a sense of tradition, provides leadership opportunities and an increased feeling of identity, self-esteem and belonging.

Each student is a member of one of four Houses: Makalu, Aconcagua, Pelvoux and Tafelberg. The four houses are named after notoriously difficult mountains to ascend. They are located in Europe (Pelvoux), South America (Acongagua), Africa (Tafelberg) and Asia (Makalu). Each house is identified through the colour of its tie, sports top and motto.

Students will take part in a wide variety of inter-house competitions as well as earn house points through co-curricular electives, the arts showcase and sports showcase. The house which gains the most points at the end of the year will be presented with the House Cup in a commemorative ceremony.

Each house is led by secondary students: House Leader; Deputy House Leader, school councillors and prefects who are democratically elected by the student body at the start of the academic year. Every Friday, these students lead part of Morning Meeting for their House including presenting the weekly house points and leading their peers in reflection.

Students have a wide range of students leadership opportunities that they can engage with including the student council, subject ambassador roles, librarians and the house leaders mentioned above. Student leaders have a number of responsibilities including supporting the primary students during breakfast club; reading and family dining. House and Deputy Leaders attend student student council and are responsible for feeding back outcomes to SLT and their advisories. The student council also choose a local charity to support through fundraising and raising awareness of the cause.